What are your business hours?
Hair Tyme is open 24 hours by appointment. This means you can book an appointment for any day and at time! A convenience fee is applied to appointments booked between 6pm-7am.

Do I have to make an appointment?
Although appointments are preferred, we accept walk ins between 10am-6pm Monday - Saturday.

How far in advance should I book my appointment?
We recommend all clients scheduling their appointments at least 36 hours before proposed appointment. We highly recommend pre-booking appointments before leaving the salon if you have a preferred stylist. Book appointment now.

Will you remind me of my appointment?
Yes. Your appointment will be confirmed 24 hours in advance via email.

Can I come in for a consultation?
Yes. We love to meet our clients, find out what their hair goals are and how we can reach those goals together. We do this free of charge by appointment.

When should I arrive?
We suggest that you come at the time booked for your services. Upon arrival let the staff know of any special requests or questions that you might have and did not mention on your appointment booking form.

What if I need to cancel my appointment?
Although we know unforeseen circumstances may arise that prohibit you from giving us proper notification for missing appointments, 48 hours notice of appointment changes is requested. Appointments that are missed will forfeit any deposits paid regardless of the time or date the appointment was booked. If you'd not contact the salon about canceling your appointment it will be considered a No call no show. No call no show appointments will be CHARGED THE FULL COST OF THEIR SERVICE.

Is the deposit applied to my TOTAL service amount?
Yes. The deposit you pay to reserve appoint will be applied to your total cost of service.

What if I am late?
If you find yourself running late for an appointment, please call to let us know so that we can inform your Service Provider to see if it would effect any other clients scheduled that day. We will always do our best to accommodate you when it is possible.No call no show appointments will be CHARGED THE FULL COST OF THEIR SERVICE.

Can I buy hair at Hair Tyme?
Yes. We offer a variety of extensions and are available to assist with your selection.

Can I buy hair at Hair Tyme and get it installed at another salon?
Yes. We offer a variety of extensions available for purchase online or in store pick up.

Can I bring my own hair to get installed?
Yes. We also install extensions purchased from outside vendors.

I do not have time time to come in for an install. Do you make wigs?
Yes. Hair Tyme makes custom wig units for clients on the go.

Do you share my personal information (address, email, phone) with anyone else?
Absolutely not.